Details Are Sketchy
A bimonthly true crime podcast, in which two friends share an unsolved disappearance or unsolved case, a crime they're most intrigued by, and talk all things true crime.
Details Are Sketchy
The Murder of Sherri Rasmussen
We are back from a long (unscheduled) break! In this episode, Kiki brings us the death of Sherri Rasmussen and Rachel tells us about the missing teen Daisy Joy Rodriguez. We also talk about what we've been reading and watching.
Our next book is the classic "Helter Skelter" by Vincent Bugliosi and Curt Gentry. We will discuss it in episode 32.
Sherri Rasmussen:
People Magazine Investigates - Season 2 Episode 5 - "Once Bitten"
20/20 Season - 47 episode 3 - "The Killer Down the Hall"
The Atlantic - The Lazarus File by Matthew McGough
Daisy Joy Rodriguez
Heresanantonnia.com "Community Rallies to find San Antonia Missing Team"
Instagram: Details Are Sketchy - @details.are.sketchy
Facebook: Details Are Sketchy - @details.are.sketchy.2023
Instagram: Kiki - @kikileona84
Instagram: Rachel - @eeniemanimeenienailz
Email: details.are.sketchy.pod@gmail.com
I'm Kiki and I'm Rachel. I was drinking tea.
Speaker 2:And this is. Details Are Sketchy, a true crime podcast. And, yes, we're late again. That is kind of my fault, but also not really my fault. My computer just I saved my case and then it just froze and then decided not to actually save anything. So I was like, fuck it, because finals were this week, yeah, and I have to grade, yeah, also you're a grown woman with a job and multiple responsibilities.
Speaker 1:Well, yeah, that's what I meant.
Speaker 2:So we had to postpone it another week. Hopefully this comes out this Wednesday. I don't know what day that is, december, I don't know, 17th, 18th, something along those lines. Um, okay, wait, this is episode 20.
Speaker 1:no, episode 30 30 we're still gonna say like 24 or something Probably so.
Speaker 2:Episode 30, I think we're starting a new season. So, season one. I mean season two episode, one or episode 30.
Speaker 1:Season 1.2.
Speaker 2:Or episode 30, depending on how you want to do things. I was hoping I would start out this season better, with like music at the beginning and you know, like an actually recorded intro, but we need time and all that kind of thing.
Speaker 1:Time and the energy to do it, yeah, when you're exhausted from all these other things, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:So hopefully we can get that done this winter break, assuming I don't get called up for jury duty this week. Oh gosh the sad part is you won't even be able to tell us if it's like a good case I know my aunts were looking and they were like hey, there's this murder case starting next week and I was like oh fuck yeah, I don't want to be on one of those.
Speaker 2:I mean, I do and I don't, right. You know I don't, because I've still got too much to do this week. I go up to rio rancho again. No fun, okay, anyway. So we're on episode 30, yep, or season two, episode one. However you want to look at it, it's my turn to do the case. What the heck are we talking about today? Well, you're gonna do your yeah, missing person first. Besides that, I'm gonna talk about the murder of sherry rass rass mucin or ross mucin. I've heard it pronounced both ways. Oh shit, I'm making so much noise. Um, so that's what I my case okay, well, let me touch on, uh I'm a missing person that I just found like five minutes ago.
Speaker 1:so we're gonna learn about her together, all right. All right, so her name is daisy joy rodriguez and she's missing from antonio san an, texas, and she was last seen on the southwest side of the city in the block of 800, block of Big Creek Drive. So she is four foot 11. She has green eyes and it looks like kind of like blonde, like that in between blonde and brown kind of hair color, or maybe like a, maybe it's like a honey, deep honey blonde kind of shade. Um, and she weighs 125 pounds. So the San Antonio Police Department wants to remind us all that harboring a runaway child is a Class A misdemeanor Punishable up to $4,000 or a year in jail. So we'll give you a little bit more information.
Speaker 2:Wait, what state is that Texas To harbor a runaway child? San Antonio, texas, interesting. Where it's a texas to harbor a runaway child? San antonio, texas, interesting. So I don't know how I feel about that. Yeah, it's kind of yeah, because I mean in most cases I would understand that.
Speaker 1:But what if the child's being abused yeah, yeah, kids being abused, kicked out of their homes because they're queer or other reasons right so, yeah, what happens in that case? Like, is somebody not supposed to like harbor them? Because, yeah, I know that some like I think we've all known people like when we were teens and they had to go live with somebody else because they just had a bad situation. Yeah, so, yeah, okay, anyway.
Speaker 1:So hopefully that's not the case, we're not saying it's the case there, but yeah, we're not saying that it's and uh, or maybe hopefully it is, because then she'll be safe somewhere. Yeah, I don't know, that's a weird thing.
Speaker 2:I'm not like hoping that right, yeah, just saying she's safe rather I'm hoping she's safe, that's all I'm saying she's safe wherever she is.
Speaker 2:It happens, it happens all right. So the murder of sherry rasmussen or rasmussen, so my sources are 2020 the killer down the hall people magazine investigates once bitten and the atlantic uh article called the lazarus file, and I'm not going to do too much of a disclaimer, but I do talk a little bit about, uh, the actual wounds of the victim, but that's because it's important to the case. Otherwise I try not to go into too much detail. Okay, so Sherry Rasmussen was the middle child of three girls. Her sister, connie, said she was the family clown. That's her word. If anything got too serious, she would do something to make everyone laugh. Her other sister, teresa, said that Sherry was all about family and was the glue that held the family together. Her friends described her as kind and generous. She was smart, graduating from high school at 15 and nursing school at 19. At 21, sherry moved from her hometown of Tucson, arizona, to LA.
Speaker 1:By the time of her death she was the director of critical care at the Glendale Adventist Medical Center and at the time of her death she was like probably not much farther into her 20s have like mixed feelings when I hear about people who like graduated from something something super early, because on the one hand, I'm like wow, good for them, like they're really smart and they really like achieve that, but on the other hand, like I feel sad because I'm like this person like never got a chance to like relax and have fun.
Speaker 2:it sounds like yeah although I don't think her parents probably forced her. No, no, it sounds like it. Like she sounds like the kind of person that has to be doing something. She doesn't sound like somebody who relaxes. In the summer of 1984, sherry met John Rutten. He was tall, handsome, athletic and smart. He graduated from UCLA where he studied engineering or computers. It depends on the source. Yeah, maybe it was. Computer engineering Could have been. They moved in together in Sherry's condo in Van Nuys. Is it Van Nuys?
Speaker 1:Yeah, van Nuys, yeah, van Nuys, yeah, okay, yeah, is it Van Nuys yeah?
Speaker 2:Van Nuys, yeah Okay, and were married in November of 1985, but all reports, but all reports, by all reports. They were very happy and in love. Then, on February 24th 1986, everything ended. That day was a normal day for Sherry and John. They were early risers and normally Sherry would leave first because she had a lengthier commute than John. But on this day Sherry did something out of character. According to People Magazine Investigate, sherry was supposed to oversee HR courses for nurses and she apparently didn't see much value to them, so she decided not to go into work and called in sick at 7 am. John left shortly, at 7.20.
Speaker 1:Interesting, although I can see why you would be like I don't see much value in this. It seems odd to shirk such a big responsibility, yeah.
Speaker 2:John called her multiple times a day but wasn't able to get a hold of her, so he assumed that she must have decided to go into work after all.
Speaker 2:That sounds like something I would do where I'd be, like I don't want to do this shit, but then I feel guilty and go in anyway. You're like I don't want to do this shit, but then I feel guilty and go in anyway. He calls her work later in the day and spoke to the secretary who says she hadn't heard from her all day. He does think it's odd, but apparently not odd enough, to go directly home, because when he leaves at work at 5 pm he runs some errands. He went to the bank, he went to get his shoes shoes I don't know what that means. Like I don't know if he went to buy shoes or if he sent them to like a cobbler or whatever a cobbler. Well, you know what I mean. Whatever the yeah 80s version I they still probably did that back in the 80s.
Speaker 2:Yeah, the shoe shine shop yeah, those dudes, and, and I lost my spot. And then he also went to the dry cleaners. He drove into the garage of their condo and notices that Sherry's car is gone. He also notices that there are some shards of glass and he walks up the steps to go into the condo and he notices a bloody handprint on the wall. Yeah, now, now I just want to say some of this is from one source and some of this is from another source neither of the two agree exactly.
Speaker 2:I hear that I've had a lot of that lately too. Yeah, also 2020. Uh, if people magazine investigates is right. Oh wait, no, I'm sorry, um, hold on. Okay, so he sees the bloody handprint on the wall. Now he either the door was closed and he opened it, or he was it was already open, right, and that also depends on the source. So I wrote also 2020. If people magazine investigates is right. You left out. You left some stuff out, like the bloody handprint and the glass shards, which are kind of important. Yeah, and the fact that sherry called in sick and john called multiple times they didn't mention any of that either um, so is one episode maybe leaning towards implicating one person.
Speaker 2:One episode was leaning in another way or no. They both agree. Oh, that's weird then. Yes, uh, so I put maybe not all that important in the end, but still you should give all the facts. Those are kind of yeah, I mean, again they turn out not to be that important to the case, but still that's a scene. Anyway, john goes inside and he notices stacked stereo equipment on the floor, and then he looks over and sees Sherry on the floor. So the way I didn't put it on here, oh yeah, I, I do see, I don't know what I did and didn't do, because I changed some things from the first and second time.
Speaker 2:Okay, so I'm going to take a second to get the layout of the apartment or condo or townhouse or whatever you want to call it. They called it all three. So when you walk in the door, there's like five steps going up a few feet in front of you. So like when you walk in the door, there's like five steps going up a few feet in front of you, so like when you walk in, that's what you see. And up on top of those steps is like the dining room, kitchen area, and then like there's a room off to the side which I assume is the bathroom or the bedroom or both. I mean not both. You know what I mean. Yeah, they're over on that side somewhere, whatever en suite, right, and when you go in the door, if you like, ahead, but to your left is a small living room, yeah, so that's what you see.
Speaker 2:So he walks in and the stereo equipment is right in front of the stairs. When he walks in and so he sees the stereo equipment on the floor in front of the stairs, and then to his left is the living room and he sees Sherry's body, he goes over to Sherry and he checks for a pulse. When he can't find one, he calls 911. Emts get there, but it's too late and Sherry's pronounced dead at 6.12 pm. Okay, lapd patrol officer Rodney Forrest was one of the first cops to arrive at the scene and he told 2020 that he thought it was odd to get a call about a murder in a neighborhood like Van Nuys. He describes it as upscale. What I said eye roll, yeah, yeah. Well, I don't know, I maybe not anymore, but in the well, I know we've talked about it before like there's always crime there, but I for the 1980s where most of the crime was.
Speaker 2:I would say that was probably not common, so he described it as upscale. People magazine investigates, though describes it as middle class. Whatever I mean, I guess upscale is middle class.
Speaker 1:Split the difference and say upper middle class.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's a place where murder is in common. Anyway, he and his partner are told by paramedics that they wouldn't be prepared for what they see inside, implying it's pretty bad. When he walks in Forrest, gets Sherry or, I'm sorry, sees Sherry on the ground with a towel over her face, what I would like to know, because nobody ever mentions it, is who they think put the towel on her face Like was it husband?
Speaker 1:Was it Right, like did he put the towel to like so he wouldn't have to look at her.
Speaker 2:Right, or was it the killer? Yeah, great question the towel to like so he wouldn't have to look at her right? Or was it the killer? Yeah, or great question, but nobody ever says anything. Apparently I'm the only one that has that question. Uh, one of the emts raises the towel so that uh forest can see her face. There was considerable trauma and a lot of blood. Later they find that there were bruises all over her body, ligature marks on her wrists. Her fingernails were broken, which I know is painful.
Speaker 1:I've experienced two of those this week, and it is the single most painful thing I have ever experienced in my life.
Speaker 2:So she had been hit from behind with a vase or a statue, depending again on the source. She had been shot three times and finally and most importantly, there was a bite mark on her forearm You're going to want to remember that Like a human bite mark. Huh, a human bite mark? Yes, one detective described it as one of the bloodiest, most violent crime scenes he had ever seen. The apartment itself looked to be in disarray, so there was tech equipment that looked like it was getting ready to be taken. Bookshelves had been knocked off, the window of the sliding door was shattered. There appeared to have been a struggle at the door, where there were broke, where the broken fingernails were.
Speaker 1:Yeah, um, so basically it looked like she had been clawing to get out.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, but there was no forced entry. Also important, there was blood on the wall. There are bloody pieces of the vase or statue I just mentioned. There's also a blanket near her body which is gunshot residue and holes from the bullets, so it had clearly been used as a type of silencer yeah, so she went through it all like she got hit with shit, she got bit, she got shot.
Speaker 2:yeah, I think the only thing she didn't get was stabbed, stabbed. Yeah, police and others wondered if Sherry's murder was part of the rampant violence plaguing LA at the time. So the 80s was a decade of gangs, drugs and serial killers. In case you aren't up on the serial killers, that was like the Rodriguez and all those dudes. So in 1986, there were 831 murders in LA. By 1990, there were 1,000 a year.
Speaker 1:That sounds like a lot, but what's the amount? Now I'm getting there.
Speaker 2:Okay, so 2023, which is the highest it's been in quite a long time. There were 327 murders.
Speaker 1:Oh, wow.
Speaker 2:So a lot more. Yeah, things were so bad that residents bought guns. They learned martial arts. Burglar alarms were sold out. Animal shelters were more or less empty of dogs because they were being adopted as watchdogs.
Speaker 1:Why was that, do you know? Was there a special heat wave? Was there a lot of poverty at that year?
Speaker 2:It was the cocaine decade.
Speaker 2:It was the decade of the Bloods and the Crips and the cocaine violence, yeah, yeah. So the rest of this bit that I'm going to say doesn't really have anything to do with the case, but I found it interesting. Okay, so, according to the atlantic, by the end of 1936 538 of those 831 murders had been solved, which is a 65 clearance rate. 463 of those solved murders were cleared by arrest, meaning somebody had been arrested for it, right, right, and 75 were labeled cleared other, which means there's sufficient information to support the arrest of a suspect but for reasons outside police control, no arrest can be made. So, for example, that would be if the suspect was dead. Yeah.
Speaker 1:That's what I was thinking.
Speaker 2:Yeah, these clearance rates stand in perpetuity and cannot be changed through later arrests. So credit for the clearance is taken in the year of the arrest, not the year of the murder what if they have, like, a strong suspect but they don't have enough evidence to convict them?
Speaker 1:like is that?
Speaker 2:then it's still. It's an unsolved murder. Clearance credit for the clearance is taken in the year of the arrest, not the year of the murder. So a division can raise its current year clearance rate by solving old cases as well as new ones. So, for example, a division can record seven new murders but they were able to solve a total of 15.
Speaker 1:Right, because they solved some of those old ones Right giving the unit clearance rate of 214%. Yeah. Do you think it's easier to solve those old crimes or harder?
Speaker 2:I would say probably harder Because the evidence is all old and shit like that. Evidence is old People die, people forget, some shit goes missing, shit goes missing, shit goes missing. Okay, so I'm done nerding out on that. Uh, back to the night of sherry's murder. The scene lent itself to the idea that the murder was the result of a burglary gone wrong. So again, everything's in disarray, their stereo equipment stack like it's ready to be carried out, etc. Etc. Etc.
Speaker 2:Also, um, I may have forgotten to mention that sherry's purse, her car, a bmw, which had been a gift from her husband, yeah, and a marriage license had been taken. Now, according to people magazine investigates, the purse was found pretty quickly as it had been turned in by the gardener, I think is who they said after he found it. And the BMW was also found a few weeks later. It was located in a not very good neighborhood, a few miles away, with the keys still in it, in the same condition. It was when it had been taken and everything of value was still in or part of the car. So, for example, the stereo was still there. Right, they looked for fingerprints and stuff like that but didn't find anything.
Speaker 2:However, there are those, like former patrol officer forest, who didn't think that the scene jived with a burglary theory, because that's the theory they were going yeah is that because the stereo stuff that was out hold on, we'll get there so he says, while the inside of the apartment might look like a burglary had happened, he didn't think that burglars would pick a place so far from the street, right because they want to get away without being seen by other residents, so they want something close to the street.
Speaker 2:He also felt something was up with John Sherry's husband in case you forgot who he was because his crying didn't seem to be enough. Now, I don't agree with things like that, but I mean, I guess what's what's not enough, right, but the husband's always going to be the suspect so that was probably someone she knew because she let them in okay, so there's no reason, so no motive for john to kill sherry, because there are no problems in the marriage and there was no insurance payout right.
Speaker 1:Um, also his alibi checked out yep so there was another reason that police believed the burglary was their shoe alibi what you picked up shoes or something yeah, the shoes, the bank work yeah um, all of that stuff. I forgot those other things. I only remembered the shoes.
Speaker 2:Okay. So there is another reason that the police really tamped down on that burglary theory. So six weeks after Sherry was killed there was another incident three blocks away. That attempted burglary was very similar to what detectives theorized happened to Sherry. Yeah, so the woman was Lisa Rivoli. She at first.
Speaker 2:So the first thing that happens is she's asleep at home. She hears a knock at the door. She goes to look and it's a man she doesn't recognize. So she decides to ignore it and she goes back to bed. She wakes up, she goes about her day, she goes out to lunch and returns an hour later and as she turned the key to open the door, she noticed that it had been forced open. As she pushed the door open, she saw a man standing in the hallway attempting to steal her stereo equipment. It was stacked exactly the way it had been at Sherry's. He ran out, but there was another man that came down the stairs and pulled a gun on her. She turned and ran before he could shoot.
Speaker 2:So the crimes are close to each other, only three blocks away. Yeah, they happen in the middle of the day and both involve a revolver. That's the gun that the guy was holding. On top of that the stereo equipment again was placed in the same location in both homes. So sherry's family, though, believed that it was not a burglary, burglary gone wrong. I always feel like I say burglary wrong.
Speaker 1:I just feel like I'm saying burglar, like, like the hamburglar it would be a lot more fun if it was a hamburglar it would be there probably wouldn't be any murder involved no you just steal your burgers yeah
Speaker 2:okay. So they told police about a series of events that happened in the weeks leading up to sherry's murder. First there was a nurse who didn't get promoted and was upset with Sherry and she got into an argument with her. And then there was John's ex-girlfriend. The ex had gone to Sherry's work to confront her. Now it depends on the source, but either she told Sherry when this marriage fails, I'll be waiting to pick up the pieces, or it was something along the lines like if you can't have them, no one will, kind of thing Okay. They also tell the police that the ex had turned up at Sherry and John's house unannounced three times. Now People Magazine Investigates also reported an incident that was not necessarily alarming in nature, though I don't think any woman in a romantic relationship would be comfortable with it. So what happened? Is that Stephanie oh, I shouldn't have said her name, sorry the ex. His name is Stephanie. That's supposed to be a surprise later on.
Speaker 1:Surprise, her name is Stephanie yeah.
Speaker 2:Had shown up at the house unannounced with skis, that she wanted john to wax for her. Yeah, sherry thinks it's just an excuse to get in touch with john, but he assures her that there's nothing going on between them. She told him she wanted him to stay away from her and when she comes, when stephanie comes back for the skis, sherry tells her she's not welcome there anymore. The ex um stephanie doesn't back down, though she turns up a few weeks later, yikes, in full lapd uniform, including a gun. Now I should also say um people doesn't. They don't mention it, but 2020 says that one of the times she showed up at the home, she sherry, had been getting ready and she heard a noise and she went to look and stephanie had been standing in her living room I see, I think the pieces are coming together here, yeah, so 2020 reports that about a month before the murder.
Speaker 2:Oh, here it. Here it is. I forgot. I wrote it down. So she's getting ready for work. She heard something downstairs. She found Stephanie standing in the living room. Sherry had told her to get out and not come back. Sherry had apparently also told her family that she was being followed. So John had never mentioned the ex in his initial interview because he never considered her a girlfriend.
Speaker 1:Okay, so at best. So she's been like a creepy stalker, but he didn't even consider her to be like an actual girlfriend.
Speaker 2:she was a friend with benefits, oh so he didn't think I that she cared enough to do anything, but dude was clearly oblivious.
Speaker 1:Right, I mean her behavior.
Speaker 2:Yeah, okay, but nothing came of those suggestions. In fact, the original detective said that he had never been told of those incidences and they also had never been recorded in the murder book. The murder book is the single most important thing in a homicide investigation because it's the place where they record all the investigative work and any step that is made or recorded, like any phone call, anything it's all recorded. So in 2001, the lapd started a cold case unit. So it had gone cold, like it was looked at briefly in the 90s, and then it was kind of like forgotten about. Right, the lapd started a cold case unit consisting of seven detectives. There are, according to 2020, or were at this point in time in 2001, 9,000 cases spanning, and I quote, more than two decades. Okay, this irritates me Because it's not technically wrong, yeah Right, but that makes it sound like all those cases happened in like just over a 20-year span.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:But the truth is that the cold cases date all the way back to 1899.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:It's more like a century, not just more than two decades. Right, right, like dude. Okay, anyway, I'll get over my yeah, that is annoying.
Speaker 1:So it is Technically. You could say it's over two decades.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but it's over two decades yeah, it's kind of ridiculous. More like a century. Yeah, yeah, there were not 9000 murders in 20 years. Yeah, I mean. Well, I guess, maybe if they had kept up all those murders in the 80s and 90s but not cold cases, yeah, plus all the fresh ones, whatever, anyway, okay. So Detective Lamkin, who I think is the head of the new cold case unit, believed that due to the natural decay of evidence, there probably wasn't much that could be done for crimes committed before the 1960s, so they kept the cases they would work on to those committed between 1960 and 1998. Now, I forgot to mention I thought I had written it but I didn't they took a swab of the bite mark on Sherry's arm. Yeah, okay. Now 1986 is just before. Dna was really a thing, right, but do they have, like, the dental imprint?
Speaker 1:from the bite.
Speaker 2:I have no idea, but that's not really important to the case.
Speaker 1:Because I thought that was going to be irrelevant.
Speaker 2:No they could still do like typing, like blood typing, type things right. So that's what they had collected it for. Now, dna wasn't quite a thing, but it was about to become a thing in England and it was traveling a few years later to the united states. And then it becomes a thing in the oj simpson trial, yeah, and then it just kind of takes off.
Speaker 1:So man this whole time I thought they were gonna like find the suspect based on like these bite marks between 1960 and 1998.
Speaker 2:that leaves 7 745 cold cases. Of the 9,000-ish, the unit was looking at any sexual assault crimes and any case with DNA evidence. By late 2002, after screening all of those cases, they judged that 1,400 had good forensic potential. One of those cases was Sherry Rasmussen's case. So then Detective Shepard, who worked for this unit, he looks through the murder book and he sees an entry for the swab from the bite mark. However, the swab was not booked into police custody. So they do all this searching right and eventually they find that it's at the coroner's office and they find it and they type it and a DNA profile is found. Now, remember, they believed they were looking for two men because they believed the burglary of Lisa Ravalli was linked. But they're in for a surprise because they discovered that the DNA contributor was a female. So they still thought the murder could be a robbery gone wrong, but that it was conducted by a male and a female. So one such duo was identified, but the male was in custody at the time of Sherry's death and the female she was free at the time and she had been arrested for things that she did with another guy. They take her DNA, but the dna doesn't match right.
Speaker 2:So detectives decide to revisit the possible connection with the risa rivoli burglary and notice some critical differences. In the rivoli case, jewelry had been stolen and there had been a disturbance upstairs in her apartment, so the bedroom had been like ransacked. The perpetrators escaped in their own car and the door had been forced open Right. In Sherry's case, they left the scene in Sherry's car and there was no indication that the door had been forced open. The detectives decided that Sherry's burglary wasn't actually a burglary but that the scene had been made to look like one Right, not just because of the differences mentioned above, but because of how emotional the scene was and the items that had been taken, specifically the marriage license and the car which again had been a gift from John. So it's personal items, yeah, not necessarily. Well, at least in the marriage case, not worth anything. Also, sherry was severely beaten and shot three times in the chest, one of them at point blank range like somebody has a grudge against exactly it makes the police believe that the murder was personal.
Speaker 2:So the police now believed that the killer had come into the house and fired two shots at Sherry, which missed and broke the sliding door window. Sherry tried to escape, running down the stairs, but the intruder followed her. There's a struggle and Sherry managed to get her assailant into a headlock and that's when the intruder probably bit her at that point. Okay, now I should point out Sherry was also very athletic and quite strong. She's also quite tall.
Speaker 2:So they decided to get samples from the women in Sherry's orbit and try to eliminate them one by one. So 2020 kept saying there were five women, but if you do the math, there are six. So I don't know if they just can't add or what. Yeah, because the first three are her mother and both her sisters. Right, right, Okay, and so they're, of course, eliminated. There's her best friend, who's also eliminated. That's four. They test the nurse that I mentioned earlier, and she's also eliminated. Yeah, that's five. So the other. There's one more person? Yeah, and it's that person that grabs their attention, but they keep referring to this person as number five.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:So maybe they only did the sisters, but they said mother and sisters, so I don't really understand what was happening. Okay, so anyway, the point is we're going to go with number five, who is not technically the nurse. According to them, it's the other person yeah okay.
Speaker 2:So john had told police about a woman he had already told them about years earlier. Her name was stephanie lazarus. They met at ucla where they were both staying in the same dorm. John and Stephanie were friends and then it developed into a sexual relationship. John stresses to police that they were never exclusive, that it was more of a friends with benefits type of relationship. Oh, john, at least in his view it was In his view. Yeah, I mean he probably did tell her.
Speaker 2:But right, I mean yeah open your eyes, dude, but like it shouldn't, you should be able to tell that she feels differently you would think, but I've come to find that a lot of times men are completely oblivious, especially when it comes to thinking with their dicks. I mean, half the time they can't even find the thing in the fridge that's right in front of their fucking face. I don't know why. I'm getting really upset about that, but it really irritates me. That irritates me more than anything when they're like where is it?
Speaker 2:yeah, it's like you're literally staring at it, right, okay, anyway, sorry, I didn't get mean to get so mad about that. I didn't realize that that was the a real big pet peeve of mine.
Speaker 1:Well, that is an emotional labor thing that women often like take on, that many men don't even realize that like it's considered to be a woman's job to like keep track of all the things yeah, and like some men, can't be bothered to figure it out, yeah or remember where any of the things are right or actually look yeah or that like oh, my god, my kid I mean they're children, but they'll be like I can't find it and I'm like look for it.
Speaker 1:And then they just like stand there and like look around them and they're like I don't know where it is. Yeah, like move things. Yeah, and so I'll get up and be like like this and I'll like show them and then find the thing within minutes.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, kids and men.
Speaker 1:I don't know. Hopefully, when my kids are grown they'll be able to find things. You would hope so.
Speaker 2:I mean, I'm sure I was that way too when I was little Right.
Speaker 1:But I grew up, okay anyway.
Speaker 2:So Stephanie, whether he knew it or not, wanted a future with him. After they graduated they got together for sex a couple times a month, but John continued to see other people. He says he made it clear to her that their relationship was nothing more than that and that they definitely weren't getting married. If you had to say that to her, then you know she had feelings.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:It's true, dude. Okay. So shortly after, john tells her that, I mean I'm also kind of pissed at john that he kind of kept this thing going right, like if he knew that she wanted more and that he didn't like he should have just moved on to other people yeah, if he, if he had to make any of those statements, then he should know that it's not the same for her yeah, and he should have got his dick wet elsewhere. It's true, okay anyway, no holds barred tonight.
Speaker 2:No, sorry, I've been reading a really smutty book lately, um, in my free time that I don't really have, okay, anyway. Uh, shortly after, john tells her that she finds out that he proposed to sherry. Yeah, she called him that night and asked him to come over so they could talk. Can you guess what happened?
Speaker 1:She lost her shit.
Speaker 2:No, they had sex. Oh my God. He is engaged, wow, and he fucks with his ex-girlfriend, who is not his ex-girlfriend, apparently.
Speaker 1:Well, I was thinking, I was thinking of him in slightly more generous terms, but yeah now, yeah, I mean, no fucking wonder she thought that like.
Speaker 2:Yeah yeah, the police told John that they needed to contact her.
Speaker 1:You know what pisses me off, though, Like why didn't she kill him instead of her?
Speaker 2:Let's talk about that at the end, because I think I have thoughts.
Speaker 2:I asked myself that as well. The police told John that they needed to contact her. I'm sorry if you can hear the papers moving in the back, I'm not very good about that. Okay, he told them that he had called the police decades earlier to tell them about her and that at the same time, he told them that she was a police officer. Yeah, he told them that she was a police officer. In fact, stephanie was, at this point in time in the 2000s, a detective with the LAPD Right Now. Not only was she a detective, but she had had a stellar career. Yeah, she had joined the LAPD almost immediately after college. She was described as competitive and very athletic. I think she was actually a Division I athlete, which apparently is a good thing or a great thing. So this allowed her to compete in the California Police Olympics, which, again, apparently that's awesome. I don't know, I'm not an athlete. I can't even catch a ball, so I don't know, I can't run five feet without getting out of breath either.
Speaker 2:So anyway, she's kind of the face of the LAPD, because she was so popular. She was very I keep wanting to say evasive, but that's not the word I mean, exuberant is the word I'm trying to go for, is the word I'm trying to go for and just kind of friendly and happy to be there, I guess you could say. And she was very popular. So she was even on an episode of Family Feud with a few other officers against the firemen and the police. One.
Speaker 1:Now I want to watch the episode of Family Feud.
Speaker 2:She had outstanding accommodations from her superiors and she had gone from patrol to homicide to burglary, auto theft division, which is not an easy thing to do, like you need people to recommend you for that, not to mention I think you have to like pass tests and stuff. So she had never had a single disciplinary hearing in the nearly 30 years she worked with the LAPD, which is also nearly unheard of At the point where she was being investigated for this crime. Stephanie was in the most coveted position in the LAPD. She was in the art theft detail, which was an elite detail within the major crimes division.
Speaker 1:I have a thought slash question. I'm probably jumping the gun again, but like I'm wondering like did he, maybe John, undersell her as a suspect? Did the cops? Were the cops like no, it wasn't her. Or do you think it was a combination of both of those factors?
Speaker 2:I think he was genuinely blind and didn't realize what was going on.
Speaker 2:Yeah, like he didn't see that Stephanie cared more than he did, right? I think he genuinely just didn't see it. As for her personal life, stephanie had married a fellow police officer in 1996, and they had adopted a baby soon after, and apparently she was a very good mom and loved her baby very much. Knowing that Stephanie was not only one of their own, but that she literally worked just down the hall from them, detectives had to take precautions before they proceeded to investigate her, right? So they can't tell many people about the investigation because they don't know who's friends with her and who's going to tell her right? Right, and they don't use her name during their investigation. Instead, they used number five in reference to her because she was the fifth DNA sample. Yeah, after doing some digging, the idea that Stephanie could be the killer became more and more evident.
Speaker 1:Yeah, probably they had five DNA samples because they would only need DNA from one sister, right? They wouldn't need DNA from one sister, right? They wouldn't need DNA from both sisters.
Speaker 2:I don't know. That's what I was thinking too, but they said that they tested the mother and the sisters, so I don't know. Yeah, oh well, after doing some digging, the idea that Stephanie could be the killer became more and more evident. For example, in the 1980s, all police officers carried a .38 revolver as their backup, which was the same caliber used in the murder, and the bullet recovered from Sherry's body was the same type that was used by the police. Was the same type that was used by the police. The police looked at the California gun registry and they found that Stephanie had reported her gun missing 13 days after the murder.
Speaker 1:Suspicious.
Speaker 2:Right. They can't say for sure that it was her gun that was used, but it's a big red flag Right. Police then decide to contact Sherry's family again and ask them about the days and weeks leading up to the murder. They tell them about the incidents I mentioned earlier showing up at work, showing up at their house, Yep. While doing this, police also have to collect Stephanie's DNA.
Speaker 2:They don't want to alert her, so they don't want to just go up and be like, right, yeah, take the swab. So in may 2009, uh, some folks that are investigating her followed her to a fast food place.
Speaker 2:2020 said, costco yeah where she got a drink and they got her drink cup out of trash when she discarded it they took the cup and the straw for testing and her DNA matched the swab from the bite mark. So she's now the primary suspect. So the detectives have to question Stephanie and they devise a covert operation called the Art Thief. So basically the plan is to go to her and tell her that they have a suspect in jail that says he has some information on an art theft or art heist or something. And she said that and they said maybe you should talk to him, come with us and talk to him. And so she agrees to go with them and they go down into the jail. Yeah, because they want her to have to check her weapon yeah okay so
Speaker 2:yeah, so they do that. These are some sneaky ass cops. They are some sneaky ass cops. And, um, they get there, they go into the room, but of course there's no suspect. It's just another detective waiting to question her about the murder.
Speaker 2:So while she's being interrogated, her house is being searched. They find photos of John and a 600-page diary Wow In which she mentioned her distress over John's engagement and marriage. So there were only a few tidbits in there, though, and that's one of the things the defense attorney mentions is that he's john's really only mentioned like five or six times, right, uh, but some of the things she wrote were things like quote I really didn't feel like working too stressed about john. End quote. And quote I did visit john rootin but his girlfriend was over. End quote, quote. End quote. I find out that John is getting married. I was very depressed. This is very bad. My concentration was negative. 10, end quote. And this is the most creepy one Quote I saw John Rutten's car. I put a note on it and watched the car for half an hour. End quote. So during the interrogation, she obviously does everything she can to talk herself out of being connected to the murder, but she lawyers up once they bring up the DNA and they arrest her Right In 2012,.
Speaker 2:Stephanie is on trial for the murder. The main piece of evidence, of course, was the DNA. They had four different analyses done, so they got the match from costco, the costco cup. Yeah, they did an lap lapd match, a codis match and an seri match I don't know what that one is, so it's matched four times okay, four different ways.
Speaker 2:So pretty thorough. It's very thorough, yeah. So the defense tried to cast doubt, not on the DNA match, because that would go nowhere Right, but on the chain of custody, on the bite mark swab suggesting the evidence was tainted, contaminated and that Stephanie may have been framed. Oh, those sneaky.
Speaker 1:Because it was in a beat up envelope. Everybody's sneaky in this case. Yeah, may have been framed because it was in a beat up envelope, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:However, the collection of evidence was done over so long a period of time that framing her would have been highly improbable if not impossible, like they would have had to think about framing her like way back in 1986. So he also argued that the diary entries which the prosecution used to show obsession did not amount to that, as John was only mentioned again like five or six times. Yeah, the trial lasted nearly three weeks, but the jury took either two hours or less than two days yeah, depending on the source, so 2020.
Speaker 1:I guess when you're a cop you're at least smart enough to not put dear diary. Today I murdered my boyfriend, my ex-boyfriend's girlfriend, right cold blood so um.
Speaker 2:So matt gutman says that the jury took less than two days. Uh, people magazine said they took less than two hours to deliberate and they found her guilty of murder. She was sentenced to 27 years to life in prison. So it's 25 years to life, but because there was a gun use there was a two-year enhancement. After the trial the Rasmussens filed a complaint with the LAPD alleging a cover-up and filed a civil lawsuit against the LAPD making the same allegations. The lawsuit was eventually dismissed due to the statute of limitations. The LAPD did launch an internal affairs investigation. A journalist I think he was a journalist managed to get a hold of that investigation notes. It was never made public and he said a total of 6.8 hours was devoted to investigating the matter. It was closed after a year with no one being interviewed and no investigative conclusions. It was classified as unfounded because the judge from the civil lawsuit dismissed the LAPD from any liability.
Speaker 1:Yeah, now I don't know if you know they probably don't know this either, since they didn't investigate her for so long but I wonder did Cheryl is her name Cheryl or Sherry, sherry, sherry I wonder if she did she hurt her Like you said, like she was also strong and athletic, like did she? I wonder if she had any like injuries on her body from the struggle?
Speaker 2:I don't know.
Speaker 1:I'm sure there were probably some bruises at least yeah that if they had investigated sooner would have been incriminating.
Speaker 2:Maybe, but they didn't even know to look at her because John didn't even tell them until months after and the family said there was an ex but they didn't know the name Right. So now, one of months after, and the and the family said there was an ex but they didn't know the name right. So so now one of the folks on people magazine investigates make a good point. They said while it took way longer than it probably should have to solve the murder, if the case had been investigated properly in 1986 and stephanie was a suspect, she probably would have gotten away with it because there was no hard evidence leaking her to the murder.
Speaker 1:It's only because the dna evidence right, it's only because the technology was finally developed that they were able to charge her although if they had caught her real quick then they might have been able to link the gun, because he said she reported her gun missing like 13 days. Maybe she still had it on her for a little bit maybe, but I mean they didn't even.
Speaker 1:I mean, like I said, they didn't know, they didn't even know to look for her yeah you know, although maybe she didn't have it on her, maybe she got rid of it right away, but was just like I'm not gonna report it for a little bit so exactly linked to the crime but, but again, the only way they would have known to look for her is if john had told them, like that night, which he should have they did ask what does john have to say for himself about, about that?
Speaker 2:well, he's said that he didn't think that her or any of the other women that he was with cared enough to do something like that to Sherry yeah. You know, which, again, I mean I think he's judging from his impact statement, whatever I think he's beating himself up about it now?
Speaker 1:Oh, I'm sure he is.
Speaker 2:But I mean, he's just oblivious. Yeah, he's just a dude who's oblivious. So there's more Not out there, don't be oblivious. Went up before the parole board years before she should have, due to a new law which gave special consideration to youthful offenders who committed their crimes when they were under the age of 26. Stephanie was 25 when she was sherry stephanie five is grown. It is, and her frontal lobes would have been developed. Now I can understand like, like, 20.
Speaker 1:Like if they're like a kid yeah. Yeah, or even. Yeah, it's true, even like 20 or something. But come on, 25? Yeah, no, you are an adult.
Speaker 2:Yes, even male frontal lobes are developed by that age. Okay, so stephanie was 25 when she killed sherry. She did take responsibility for the murder for the first time during the parole hearing. However, she had denied it all through trial and through her appeals. Which fair? I mean, that's what you're supposed to do, right? I mean, if you're, if, if you want to try and get off and you want to do the appeals, then you just keep denying that you did it, even if you did it right, because maybe there will be something. But I mean, if you were a good person, then you would admit to it anyway. According to sherry's niece, when she was at when stephanie was admitting to her to the murder, she basically said that if sherry hadn't fought her, then she wouldn't have killed her. That's not taking responsibility and that's not remorse didn't she shoot at her initially?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know what a crock of shit. It is a crock of shit, crock of sit. I'm not the one who's tired. So Stephanie was granted parole, but Governor Newsom intervened and requested that it go before the full parole board for reconsideration. The full parole board put the first finding on hold pending another review In October of 2024, so two months ago, parole officials met for the third time. Okay, so they had the first parole. Yeah, went to the full parole. They said hold it, we're going to have another one In October of this year. They did. Once everyone had their say, the board adjourned to deliberate. They deliberated for 15 minutes and they announced that Stephanie would not be released from prison and the decision was unanimous Good. However, ugh from prison and the decision was unanimous, good. However, she will probably appeal the decision and ask for another parole hearing every year, because that is the right yeah of a prisoner.
Speaker 2:Okay, so that was the case. That's it. That's all I got.
Speaker 1:That's an interesting case. It is an interesting case you said we were going to talk about why she, why she decided to go after sherry and not oh yeah.
Speaker 2:So I don't know like, obviously, sherry didn't say what I mean, stephanie didn't say why herself, but I mean there are any number of reasons, like one, because it happens all the time. Right, the person goes after the significant other rather than the person who actually jilted them. And I feel like Ladies don't do that, men do that too, but more ladies.
Speaker 1:Especially, especially, ladies do, and they're like the other woman. Yeah, that homewrecker Like no, it's the man.
Speaker 2:Yeah, exactly, it's the man.
Speaker 1:Although they didn't really have a home to wreck because, but whatever, he broke her heart. Yeah, whether he meant to or not.
Speaker 2:Right. It's not sherry's fault. No, and I think some of it could be jealousy like she wanted what sherry had right. So getting sherry out of the way meant that she could have it right, because she's not mad at john wasn't she like married and had a kid at that point?
Speaker 1:or?
Speaker 2:no later, okay. A decade later, okay. So clearly she wasn't mad at john, right, she's mad at sherry. Sherry is the usurper, sherry is the right one that stole him away, and so if she can get rid of her, then stephanie can come in stephanie, but he was never yours, I know I know. But I think sometimes you know when you're, when you think you're in love with somebody. You're blind to a lot of those things also like it's not worth it.
Speaker 1:It's not worth it, no she's young though.
Speaker 2:Look I, I was thinking about it, and love at 25, yeah, is different than love at 35, which is different than love at 40 now, that's right, we're all more cynical we're all a lot more cynical and we've grown up a little bit.
Speaker 2:You know, at 25 I think you're, I think even though you're an adult, you still have the emotions. Maybe are a little dimmed since high school, but you still got the high emotions and you haven't lived enough to figure out that men are dumb. I shouldn't say that I'm going to alienate our male listeners if we have any. We've already done that. That's probably true. I mean, women are too. She should have taken him at his word. I think part of it is just socialization. Women are. When I was growing up, and it's no fault of my family or anybody else, but the message was that you can fix them, that if you just say the right thing or you do the right thing, the man's going to change, and it's not until we get older and even sometimes when we get older.
Speaker 1:That's such a terrible message too, because so many women put up with a lot of bullshit.
Speaker 2:That's what I'm saying, what I'm saying we it. I think it's only in recent years, with all the therapy everybody's been having, that women are starting to realize that you can't fix them yeah they have to fix themselves and that they deserve better and that you can be a complete person without a man just get a wife.
Speaker 1:Everyone you know and that you need to and that you need.
Speaker 2:When a person tells you something, you need to believe them. Yeah, they're not. Don't act like they're lying to you if they tell you this is friends with benefits, it's friends with benefits.
Speaker 1:Move on, move on yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:You need to say thanks for your time. That's not what I want, and then move on, even if you think you're in love, because your love is not going to change their mind.
Speaker 1:And like like it sucks to love somebody that doesn't love you back.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Unrequited love. Really it does, it does. Some of the best art comes from unrequited love, you know, like Bartok's First String Quartet. It's amazing. Well then, if you have unrequited love.
Speaker 1:Make art not murder.
Speaker 2:Yeah, exactly, exactly, yeah. And, ladies, don't kill the other person, don't kill the other woman, don't do it or blame the other woman because it's not their fault. I mean, the person that they're with is married.
Speaker 1:Even if they know they're not the one that you're in a relationship with.
Speaker 2:Yeah, the dude has the ability to keep his pants zipped. He chose not to, so he doesn't respect you enough. It doesn't matter how tempting a woman is, if a man really loves you and respects you, he will keep his dick in his pants. Same with a woman If she really loves and respects you, you she'll keep her panties on, it's true, or she'll be, as my grandmother says, a good cowgirl. She'll keep her calves together are the cows the husbands?
Speaker 1:how many husbands are there?
Speaker 2:I don't know okay, any anything else now that we've bashed men? No, no offense, I still love men, I still men. You're just a little oblivious sometimes.
Speaker 1:There is a study about like whatever like men. What is the study? I'm going to mess it up so badly, but I think it was about. It was about like how much like housework or whatever and and how much rest women get and like, of course, like single women get the most rest, right, but like I think they showed that like, uh, wives in like straight cis relationships, like do more housework and stuff than even like single moms do. Yeah, because because like there's some like expectation that they have to like keep things nice or whatever, yeah, how fucked up is that? Yeah, that is fucked up.
Speaker 2:So don't be that husband like no, and don't be that wife if the husband expects you to keep everything clean. But you also have a full-time job and you're taking care of kids then just fuck him. No, move on, get a new guy exactly, yeah, that always.
Speaker 1:That drives me crazy too, when I see people like my husband doesn't do this and like, and then they like don't do anything about it.
Speaker 2:Tell him. Tell him Like you're not his mommy. Yeah, If he still doesn't do the thing that you asked them to, I mean, I suppose leaving isn't easy for everybody.
Speaker 1:So yeah, very true. So it's not that easy.
Speaker 2:No, it's not, it's not.
Speaker 1:But you know, let's raise the bar, put some expectations.
Speaker 2:Yeah, raise the bar, raise the bar.
Speaker 1:And men, you can reach that bar. Yeah, it's not that hard, it's really not that far.
Speaker 2:No, if a child can do it, you can do it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, exactly.
Speaker 1:And children often do so. Yeah, exactly, and children often do so. Tell me about this dirty book you're reading. You gotta do your thing first. So I do. Good reminder Because I would not remember. Sorry, I'm getting distracted by notifications, and they're not even good ones. By notifications and they're not even good ones. Alright, so this is community rallies to find missing San Antonio teen. This is from heroesantoniocom.
Speaker 1:San Antonio is buzzing with concern over the disappearance of 16 year old girl named Daisy Joy Rodriguez. She's described as a chatty and vibrant teen. She was last spotted over a week ago, on december 1st, in the 800 block of big creek drive located on the city's southwest side that's san antonio, texas. Her friends, family and local residents are coming together and hoping to bring Daisy home safely. She's described as a petite young lady at 4'11", weighing about 125 pounds. She has striking green eyes. Many friends and neighbors say light up when she smiles.
Speaker 1:Other details about her whereabouts are scarce and it's causing a lot of worry for the people who care about her. So the San Antonio Police Department is actively seeing information that can shed light on Daisy's location. So if you've seen her or know anything about where she might be, then reach out to the San Antonio Police Department's Missing Person Unit at 210-207-7660. And they want to stress that any little bit of information could be the key to finding Daisy. So if you know something but you don't think it's important, just call and let them know. Anyway, yeah, and yeah, hopefully, hopefully she's found. Yeah, she will be found. Safe. Seems like her. It says her parents are really hoping for her safe return and they want to let her know that she's loved.
Speaker 2:Oh, no, Well, that's good, that's sad. I hope that she's found safe.
Speaker 1:Yeah, me too, okay so. So now it seems like inappropriate to go right into smut well, then you can talk about what you've been reading what I've been reading. Um, I don't know if it's much like better, I don't know if that that's not, that's not the right term, but um, I have been uh reading um Wicked I mentioned, which has quite a bit of smut in it as well.
Speaker 1:And, um, what have I read since we last podcasted? It hasn't been that long. It's been like a week, hasn't it Two weeks? Oh, it hasn't been. Mm-hmm, I guess we did, we delayed it, we did delay it, so I read.
Speaker 2:Well, you said you had read, or were you starting to read the Santa horror one?
Speaker 1:I'm going to start. I haven't started it yet. You read Ring, I read Ring. I read the New Couple in 5B by. Lisa Unger. I read Night of the Mannequins by Stephen Graham Jones.
Speaker 2:Oh, you're ahead of me, I just got it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and did I mention we used to live here last time? I don't know, I read that as well. We used to live here by Marcus Kluwer Spell it?
Speaker 2:I have no idea.
Speaker 1:K-L-I-E-W-E-R. Hmm, interesting. Yeah, I have no idea how to pronounce his name. But it was a good book, good so, if you like, Is it a haunted? House book, maybe, maybe it's up to interpretation.
Speaker 2:It's supposed to be horror, though, right? Yes, is that it? Uh, yeah did you watch?
Speaker 1:anything. Five books, um, we have been watching. Uh, the new season, the new season, last season's sad face of Lower Decks, and I watched a few movies.
Speaker 2:I watched as Above. Didn't you watch the mall one? I was telling you about.
Speaker 1:Oh yes, I did what's it called.
Speaker 2:Chopping Mall. Chopping Mall. I can't wait to watch it. I haven't had a chance.
Speaker 1:It's like a very cheesy mall slasher.
Speaker 2:That involves robots. Right, yeah, right yeah very funny.
Speaker 1:the robots are so hokey looking you're gonna laugh. Um, and I, yeah, I watched uh, as above, so below, which is like a found footage horror about, like an archaeology team that's comprised of of of unrealistically youthful folks that is looking for, like nicholas flamel's elixir of life no, it's not just from harry potter and they, uh, they are searching in the catacombs of Paris and they access Well, I shouldn't say too much, but it's very interesting and it's actually filmed in the catacombs. So it's pretty cool. And, yeah, if you like found footage, if, uh, you like people trapped underground, then it might be, uh, you might like it. And uh, what else did I watch? I watched smile too, as well, which was a lot like smile one, but like more bigger. Yeah, um, the actress did a pretty good job.
Speaker 2:I thought so and, like I, I've heard that they're supposed to be a smile three, like are they gonna do it like, like jigsaw, not jigsaw, that's not what it's called, but jigsaw is the bad guy. The saw movies. The Saw movies.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't know, because I'm like I really don't know like where they're going to go from the end of the second movie, yeah, and so I'm not going to say anything about it because that would spoil it, but I'm like how, where do you really go from there? Yeah, so Interesting. Yeah, so it was. You know, it was fun, like it's not like really more like as above, so below is more of like a little bit intellectual, like I can't say anything about that without spoiling it. But it involves questions. Yeah, exactly, there's questions, there's interpretations and things like that.
Speaker 1:And Smile is more of like jump scare, horrible things happening like so a good, old-fashioned horror. Exactly, exactly, it's like a new, good old horror. Exactly, yeah, exactly, it's like a new, good old fashioned horror. Right, okay, exactly. Well, that sounds cool, that it Although I will say I guess the the two has a little bit more of a psychological element than one. So, okay, that's all I have to say about that and yeah, that's all I've been doing, other than just yeah, well, you worked yeah, I did work and I kids life and tired.
Speaker 1:yeah, yeah, it's. It's really thrown off my sleep schedule, which was already weird. Yeah, so Cool.
Speaker 2:Okay, now tell me. Oh, now you want me to tell you about my smut book. Yes, technically it's not a book, at least I don't think it's been put out for sale. What Is it fan? Not a book, at least I don't think it's been put out for sale.
Speaker 2:Is it fan fiction? No, so there is a porn site. It's not visual porn, it's written porn, it's prose porn called Lit Erotica. Okay, I think I've heard of it. I'm sure you have Anything you want want. It's there. Whatever your personal kink may be, I'm sure you can find it. I have no idea how I got to this particular one yeah but it was well written.
Speaker 1:Sometimes you will find gold, sometimes you find things that are actually really well written and it actually has a really good story, so it's not like fan fiction stuff, but it is like amateur, or or do you are there like known, like known authors on there, or is it mostly like amateur? I don't think they're known, known I don't know if amateur is like the right word, but like it's, it's not.
Speaker 2:Mostly they're not published authors, maybe self-published. Maybe, I think, this particular writer, whose name I cannot remember off the top of my head I don't know if she's self-published this I think she should. I'm not sure it would be something that anybody would put on the shelves unless she edited a lot of stuff out, yeah, but it is actually a really fun story. It's this the okay, if anybody wants to know. It's called Home for Horny Monsters and it's about this.
Speaker 1:That sounds up your alley.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's about this dude. Okay, so it's not a reverse harem, this is a harem. I was going to ask you. Okay, so it's about a dude who, for certain reasons, has a difficult time having sex with human women. It's a psychological thing. It's a sad thing. Sad reason he moved, he has this house left to him. He doesn't intend to keep it.
Speaker 1:A sad reason that he needs a harem full of money yeah, it's explained.
Speaker 2:um, yeah, but he's, he stays the night in this thing. And the first quote-unquote monster appears a nymph, right, yeah. And then there's another one, a orc, a female, yeah, are they orcs? No, no, no, I'm sorry, not orcs. Goblins, goblins, female goblin Orcs are.
Speaker 1:Lord of the Rings specific, aren't they?
Speaker 2:I don't know. There's a lot of orc porn out there that has nothing to do with.
Speaker 1:Lord of the Rings. I think that Tolkien originated orcs.
Speaker 2:I'm pretty sure, interesting. Okay so, nymph goblin. Then, sure, interesting, okay, so nymph goblin. Uh, then there's a banshee, there's a I keep wanting to say a marquee it's not a marquee that has nothing to do. A gargoyle, okay, um, I don't know what, where marquee came from, and other things. Okay, basically, whatever kink you have, there's something about that in there.
Speaker 2:Okay, but they have, they're trying. These monsters have been collected in order to sort of save them from extinction, and they're covered from the rest of the human world, which has kind of lost their magic, and there are all these magical artifacts that are encapsulated in this house, right, and there is an evil entity out there comprised of a number like witches and collie I'm giving sorry, I gave that away but warlocks, whatever, necromancers, and they are trying to get the house because they think that there's something that they can use in the house, something really important. They don't know what it is, but they want it, and so they're trying to figure out ways to get this house into their own hands and they're just like every uh, I don't know 13 chapters or so starts a new kind of storyline. All the same characters, just a new storyline.
Speaker 2:It's lgbtqia, friendly, um, again, whatever kink, you got it's in there all the things, all of the things, kind of kitchen sink kind of deal, kitchen sink kind of deal. Yes, um, but I it doesn't sound.
Speaker 1:I'm not really selling it, but it's well written yeah, you know, I mean, it sounds like it has like an. Yeah, it has, it has a story.
Speaker 2:I can't really say much without giving it right away. Um, I mean, there are amusing things in there that kind of make you roll your eyes. Like, um, he's got basically like magical sperm right, not really, but kind of, because so he sound funny. So I forget what the reason was, but when he's with the nymph she takes part of his soul and embeds part of her soul in that part, so he's got some of her magical powers. And then by having sex with some of these women, so he's got some of her magical powers. Yeah, and then by having sex with some of these women monsters, he's discovering that he's got some of their magic. I see Involved as well there are other characters that come in in the second book. So just an FYI. So there are other types of monsters. Anything you can think of I'm pretty sure is going to be in that book. I've only read through the second part, yeah, but again, if you're interested, it's Lit Erotica and it's Home for Horny Monsters.
Speaker 1:Who's the author?
Speaker 2:I don't remember the author, is it?
Speaker 1:anonymous.
Speaker 2:I'm pretty sure she doesn't have her real name on there, but there's a pen name. There is a pen name. Let me look it up real quick. The writer's name is writer annabelle. All one word, okay, and the tagline is scary doll yeah, uh.
Speaker 2:The tagline is a blow job in a bathtub turns into a grand adventure. Wow, uh. So the intro a man inherits a magical home full of sexy monster girls, cream pies and a lack of a butthole somehow become a valid plot device, also hand-holding I like how they're like cream pies and also hand holding it is. It's not just so. This is like what I would call porn for women. Yeah right, like it's, there's romance to it, it's not he's not just like fucking yeah, yeah, I figured that.
Speaker 1:That's what they're. They're saying there's there's love element involved. There's love involved. It's more like a cutesy element involved.
Speaker 2:There's love involved. It's more like kind of the books that you would pick off the shelves in Barnes Noble in the romance section that have the spicy things right.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:It's the.
Speaker 1:Well, why wouldn't Mr Wright love his harem of monster girls?
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:Right, it's you got to treat your harem monster girls right morning, uh morning, glory milking farm.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that would be like. It's that kind of like there are monsters, but what are you?
Speaker 1:talking about?
Speaker 2:I don't know anything about that I listened to a previous show and you said you knew it and you read it. So I did read it. So I don't know um. People I know are listening to this podcast, so I'm sorry you had to hear my particular porn kink there, but hi, katie's mom I don't know if she listens anymore, but I have a lot of them, there's not just one yeah I have all of.
Speaker 2:No, I don't have all of them. There are quite a few I would not participate in, not to yuck anybody's yum, but I just yeah, I mean any anything involving in there, oh my god may fly.
Speaker 1:When you just said that about the, the pee and the poop, oh mayfly, yeah, yeah, I went.
Speaker 2:I'm not into any of those things. Oh my god, like I don't want I don't want to put an egg anywhere near me and if you don't know what we're talking about consumption yes, if you don't.
Speaker 1:In my opinion yes, if that's your thing good, um, and and how? I still. She spelled it out, I know, but I disagree because I mean I don't want to spoil anybody, but like I mean I've prepared eggs that way and I don't think that they would do that like that. No, yeah, I don't know, I think you would need something a little bit more firm I've.
Speaker 2:I've listened to some some um interviews with that author and I'm waiting for somebody to ask if she actually tried it, to see if it happened. But nobody's asked her that, yet they've all been quite pg in their discussions. Yeah, but if you don't know what we're talking about, mayfly, you should read it it's great, mayfly.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's great.
Speaker 2:It's funny, it's gross, it's it's good, yeah, and you actually kind of like the character, even though she's an awful, awful awful awful, awful person and like you're like how are people like this?
Speaker 1:but yeah, in an entertaining way.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, I mean I wouldn't ever want to meet her in person and she definitely needs to go to jail, but but then we'll never get a sequel that's true. I hope she makes a sequel. She has a new book out, but it's not that it involves religion.
Speaker 1:Yeah, um like horror religion or just religion religion, Horror religion Okay.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but if you've read Mayfly and I think you go to this one, I read the first bit you're going to have to just forget that you read Mayfly. It's very different.
Speaker 1:And take it on its own.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm not saying it's worse, like I've only read the first paragraph. I'm just saying you have to separate the two, it's its own thing. It is its own thing. Yeah, don't judge the new book by the old book. Yeah, take it separately, okay, anyway, this went on far more than I thought it would, talking about my terrible smutty reads, but I do. I highly recommend it if you're into that kind of thing. It's fun, it's a good read. So that's what I've been doing when I should have been doing other things Like reading.
Speaker 1:Night of the. Living Mannequins or whatever it is or the Santa Claus, one Secret Santa or.
Speaker 2:Secret Santa, not santa claus, yeah, um. Oh, speaking of smut and christmas, so I think the writer of morning glory, milking farm, cm nos costas, the costa uh-huh, is, uh, I see she has not this book, but but she has, I believe, a Christmas book. Oh no, oh, she has two of them. So there's a Holly Jolly Mess. I haven't read that one. Oh no, that's different. I don't know where it is because I know I have it, but it is a Krumpus romance smut book. I don't remember what the book is called, but if you have a Krumpus kink, I hear, that one's good.
Speaker 1:I like Krumpus is like a horror Christmas figure. I don't know if I have a Krumpus. I don't think I have a Krumpus kink, but I'm Some people do. I would like to lose'm.
Speaker 2:Some people do. I would like to ruse, but Some people do. He's probably not as bad in the romance novel. Yeah, you know, because it is a romance.
Speaker 1:I mean it's smut, but it's romance, it's romantic porn it is yeah, I think I prefer my Krampus a little bit more evil and less horny. But yeah, but I can, I can see, I can see why people enjoy that. Yeah, some people just like that. I mean he like does, is supposed to like spank you with like a switch, right.
Speaker 2:So yeah, people have got a spanking kink. That's one of the most popular kinks. So, okay, we just talked about smut and porn for 20 minutes and Krampus and Krampus. Okay, so like, subscribe, download, follow us on Instagram, email us. We're also on Facebook. Have you checked anything lately? No, no, okay, you should. Yeah, I will. Yeah, we do have two new listeners my friends from Crime Cruise Nice. Yeah, dee and Shably Well, welcome new listeners. Yes, and.
Speaker 1:I hope you enjoyed this past conversation.
Speaker 2:It will be heavily edited.
Speaker 1:They're learning all kinds of new things about you, Katie.
Speaker 2:I'm pretty sure I already told them about my smut Maybe they're not, then yeah, I'm not generally very shy. I read smut, I read smut, I read not then, yeah, I'm I'm not generally very shy. I read smut, I read smut, I. I read a lot of things we should classics.
Speaker 1:We gotta get you a shirt that says I read smut. Yeah, I don't think I'd wear it though I mean it just gets out of the way people already look at me.
Speaker 2:You know sideeye because I wear black all the time. Really, because I feel like that's regular, you would think, but I've gotten some looks that are not.
Speaker 1:Maybe I get side-eyes because I'm a grown woman wearing like a T-shirt, graphic T-shirt and stuff.
Speaker 2:Well, you wear color, though much more than I do. I mean, today I'm wearing color. I, today I'm wearing.
Speaker 1:I didn't used to Color, but I didn't used to. But it's one thing that's Like, if I get like a dress, for example, and like I get multiple of the dress, then I gotta get them in like different colors, and then that way it's easier for me to keep track of which ones I've worn and which ones I haven't worn. That's smart, yeah, yeah. And also, when you have, when I am wearing a lot of black and like jay is wearing a lot of black, then it's such a pain in the ass to like root through your laundry and like find the shit that you need because it's all fucking black, yeah, and so now I started. That's another reason I started buying some things that were colors.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, thank god, I pretty much live on my own and do my own laundry I mean I live with my grandma, but she does hers and I do mine separate and she doesn't wear any black. Yeah, yeah, okay. So no, no smut t-shirt, but yeah, I read all. I read all kinds of things, but I do read smut. It's fun, it's brainless, is really what it is.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's nice, relaxing and yeah like sometimes, maybe you don't want to, maybe you don't. Yeah, I read about people's heads getting chopped up.
Speaker 2:Yeah, because my I mean my, my favorite genres are actually like mystery, thriller, suspense. Yeah, I like horror quite a bit, but I don't necessarily want to read that before I go to bed because it's too. Not necessarily scary, but it's just it's. It's not the thing that's gonna lull you to sleep.
Speaker 1:It doesn't wind you down, it doesn't wind you down, it winds you up.
Speaker 2:Some might say smut would do that, but it doesn't really, it's just, it's just there. Yeah, yeah, okay, enough smut Like subscribe, download, follow us personal and the thingy Send us an email.
Speaker 1:Send us an email and be like hey, but don't try and sell us stuff because we can Personal and the thingy Send us an email and be like hey, but don't try and sell us stuff because we can't buy it.
Speaker 2:No, we can't afford it.
Speaker 1:But you can send us an email if you want to sponsor us, yeah.
Speaker 2:That would be fun. We'll try real hard to sell.
Speaker 1:Neither one of us are very good at it, but we'll try Ginger flavored anal lube If you want to sponsor us.
Speaker 2:Oh, this is quickly turning into a sex podcast I'm just saying capitalism bashing, guy bashing and sex, that's us nerd stuff too. And nerd stuff some, some star trek, yeah, some trek. Um, okay, like download, subscribe email and we will talk to you next time yep bye.